Sod Installation

Expert Sod Installation

At Murdock Outdoor Co., we specialize in creating lush, green lawns through our expert sod installation services. Not all sod installers are created equal. Our eye for detail and experience insures your sod looks its best both the day it is installed and for years to come. Whether you need a new lawn for your home or business, our team ensures a smooth, beautiful result every time.

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Our Sod Installation Services

Professional Installation

Did you know that large seams or gaps are a disease waiting to happen? There are enough mediocre sod installers, but you deserve the best. Laying the correct foundation for a healthy lawn starts with the sod installation. Let’s protect your investment by insuring you the best quality installation money can buy. 

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Post-Installation Care

We provide detailed instructions and support for post-installation care to ensure your new lawn takes root and flourishes. We’re also available for follow-up maintenance services.

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Does it Matter Where My Sod Comes From? 

Starting with quality sod is paramount for the health and longevity of your lawn. We understand the importance of working with the correct sod suppliers and the difference that can make. We only use locally grown top quality sod which minimizes the time you sod is in transport. This becomes especially important in the warm months when the clock is ticking the moment your sod leaves the grower. 

Our Sod Installation Process

Site Preparation

We start with thorough site preparation, including soil testing, grading, and debris removal. This ensures a solid foundation for your new sod to thrive.

Installing Sod

Our expert team ensures proper soil preparation, precise placement, and careful watering. With our friendly guidance, you’ll have a vibrant, healthy lawn in no time! Let’s get started!

Contact Murdock Outdoor

Reach out to Murdock Outdoor for all your sod installation needs in Dallas, Marietta, Acworth, Kennesaw, and Powder Springs/Lost Mountain:

sod installation in Dallas, GA  | sod installation in Marietta, GA |  sod installation in Acworth, GA | sod installation in Kennesaw, GA | sod installation in Powder Springs/Lost Mountain, GA

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